Tomorrow I turn 40. I'm not sitting here in a pile of tears, feeling my life is passing before me. No, I'm looking forward to what God has ahead of me.
I remember as a teen my pastor turned 40 and he preached a sermon about the number 40 in the Bible. It is associated with Noah, Moses, the children of Isreal and more that I can't think of right now. Good things happened around the number 40. Life changing things happened.
I know God is taking me into another stage of my life. A time when He wants to use me as never before. I've floated along with my husband in ministry. He was the minister. I remained his wife. Now I feel that God wants to use me too. Not separate, but another part of the same ministry. And I'm comfortable with that.
I'm looking forward to forty. Good bye to the searching years of the 30's. Hello to forty and the fun things God has in store for me.
This is supposed to be a prayer blog. So you can pray for me today! Pray that I continue to listen to God and be led by Him. Pray that I'm used in awesome ways to touch the lives of those around me in the years to come.
Happy Birthday to me. I'm comfortable with that too!