Thursday, January 17, 2008

To Travel

On Saturday Andy and I leave for a week in India. We will have 4 days of training on a new curriculum for aftercare for women trafficked in prostitution. After this we will have 2 days of Project Rescue Leadership meetings.

The kids will be well taken care. They don't get upset about us going and are looking forward to time with their favorite baby sitter, Daniela, and time with "Uncle Troy & Aunt Heidi", fellow missionaries on the field (and their 15 year old daughter). I am the one who always struggles with the leaving. I am the one who dreads saying good-bye.

When we entered into missions and attended our first School of Missions we gave our children into the hands of college age MK's and were told "now is the time to learn to trust. Over and over you need to put them into the hands of God and trust him for their care." I think of this every time I leave the kids. I am again learning to trust God for their care for the next week.

Please keep us in your prayers over the next week. Pray for the girls at home. Their safety and their peace. Pray for us as we travel. Our safety and our peace.

And pray that this week would be a great week of God speaking to our hearts about the future of this ministry to women in Moldova and that he would guide us and help us as we go.

Blessings to you today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nancy, I am so impressed on how you involve your children in your ministry and how loved they must feel. You are truly an example of how to parent on a foreign field. They just may all grow up to follow your example. Ministry is not taught it is "caught" You are doing a great job. Marcy