Monday, March 13, 2006

I really did come back

By now some may be wondering if I really came back from India or went at all. I did! But a week away gives me two weeks to play catch up. I'm getting there.

The trip was incredible. I really know that the prayers of others held me up that week away. We were constantly busy, constantly going and constantly having our emotions pulled.

I traveled with a group of six people from America. We were also joined by different M's while there and also national workers.

Last night I invited the women from the Moldovan church we call home to come to my home and hear about my trip. They had all been praying for me. I served them Indian tea (Darjeeling), wore my Indian clothes, showed them the pictures and spoke for over and hour and then we discussed for another hour. This is to say that there is no way to really put down about this trip on a blog SPOT.

So what I will share with you is something I wrote in my journal as we flew one evening to Calcutta.

How do I discribe the poverty, filth and squalor of a slum in Mumbai?
How do I even understand this?
How do I discribe a child's kiss on my cheek, her longing for my arms and a few minutes of love, touch and peace?
How do I discribe the joy & beauty of a home where children live in cleanliness and health, away from the flith of the streets, the life in a brothel?
How do I discribe the prayers of girls who surround me (girls who were trafficked themselves and are finding healing), crying out to God on behalf of me; but not just on my behalf--really not me at all. They are praying for every girl who is trafficked from Moldova, every girl who will come through our home-praying for rescue and praying for restoration and hope.
I'm not sure that I can....

I left India with an incredible sense and knowledge that we serve a God who is able to bring live and HOPE to the broken. I saw what he is doing in India and know he will do the same in Moldova.

Last night at the close of our meeting, our pastor's wife said to the women that if girls in India are praying for our Moldovan girls, then we should be praying daily too.

God is doing a great work. Thanks for your prayers and please continue to pray for this growing ministry.

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