Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Power to Pray

Once again I come to you with this urgent prayer for our living permits. All of our papers are in the hands of the man who grants or denies our living permits. He is the gatekeeper of Moldova! He has the power to give or deny our right to stay in Moldova.
He says there is a quota, but this is not true and he uses this excuse at the end of the year to deny the permits.

Will you please keep us in prayer in the next days that the permits are granted and we are able to stay? If they are denied we must leave the country for 3 months. This isn't the worst thing in the world except that everything we are doing would stop. The greatest things this means to us is that the House of Hope could not be open in January and that would be terrible.

So please pray for this urgent situation. Our lawyer who has worked this process through for us has said many times, "the only thing we have the power to do is pray." We know that this is a great power.


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