Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tired of the Battle

Right now we are exhausted. Since returning to Moldova in August we have had one battle after another.

Our container is still not released in Ukraine. It is a waste of time to tell all that has gone on, but the fight with it continues and the shipping company there continues to make problems, although they had promised that the container would be released on Monday.

The problems continue to rise and we are really lost about what to do.

Please intercede for us. We are just lost about this and we are exhausted in the battle.

We want to just get this stuff done and be able to concentrate on the work we came here to do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The profound truth is that you're comment is far reaching. It's one thing or another. It's latter days "stuff". We're just going to face non-stop testing as we do the Lord's work because the enemy would like nothing better than to put us down and keep us down. The wearing down of saints is an effective tool to hindering the greater battle of winning and restoring souls to the Lord. I'm praying and just know there is victory coming. Thinking of the song "It is well with my soul" and claiming it for you and for me... I love you dearly, Nan. - darcy